27 April 2013

Menu of Breakfast

You must take the breakfast menu and served quickly, easily, and not hard but still nutritious, certainly among you have not noticed occasional breakfast menu and the number of calories that go into your body.
Actually quite easy to make the menu and of course a healthy breakfast low in fat and calories.

1 Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a low calorie food, eat oatmeal porridge is useful to make you full until lunch time. The main ingredient of oatmeal of oatmeal is a grain of wheat.

2. Eggs
Eat eggs at breakfast was very good, eggs are an ideal menu for the customer because the egg have a high protein and not difficult for her presentation. Item one egg has 70 calories and can meet 13 percent protein needs in the body need.

3 Smoothies
If you do not have time for breakfast you can drink smoothies. Smoothies can complement notrition brakfast in the morning with at drink. Smoothies can contain between milk and fruit.

4 Fruits 
Many kinds of fruit that you can, and if you make breakfast as a healthy and rich in nutrients. Eat a low fat yogurt  and given some fruit topping.

Now you do to need  to brother  not dizzy anymore? to meet the needs of your brakfast and course easy for you to do.

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