12 April 2013

Entrepreneurial Mentoring

Do you know entrepreneurial mentoring???? Maybe some of you don't know about entrepreneurial mentoring, I will tell you about it. Entrepreneurial Mentoring is a learning how to be an entrepreneur. In here, we are gathered in some group, consist of some of member who is learn and a coach who give we explanation. In here, we also share with another member about our business.

If someone have a business plan, they can explain their business to other, so if they have a problem, they can share and get the solve from coach or the member. 

To run a business, we certain confront a problem. For the example, we need a partner for sharing about our business, we need employee that maybe we can help them. And for common problem is about financial, especially if the starting business, we need money for funding our business. Another problem is from the marketing, how we will sale the product? For whom this product? and etc.

This problem can be solved with easier if we have a team, where the team can giving a solution and help our problem, In this mentoring, coach also can inspiring us to get some business, so we can life with independent.

So, this is very very help us to embody the our ideals to be an entrepreneur.

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