15 Mei 2013

Ten Ways to Find Inspiration

Busy professionals, especially those running a start up or small business, can find themselves so buried in the details that they find it hard to set aside time to think about the big picture.

So, if you're feeling stuck, here are some ways you may find inspiration:

1. Brainstorm
Write down all your thoughts about the issue at hand. Getting past self-censorship can reveal new ideas.

2. Try Art
Drawing what's on your mind can help you make sense of it, even if you have no artistic ability.

3. Seek another viewpoint
A fresh perspective can work wonders.

4. Learn from your competitor
What have they done right? Where have they failed? What can you do better.

5. Ask thought-provoking question
What if PowerPoint didn't exist? What should I do?

6. Do something new
Listen to music you've never heard, or read something completely different.

7. Get moving
Stand, stretch, walk up the stairs, go for a run. Moving your muscles can free your mind.

8. Find what inspires you and keep it nearby
Whether it's a quote, video or work of art, keep your "muse" near you for those moments when you need inspiration.

9. Change location
Get out your cubical and work in your conference room, or any other change that refreshes you.

10. Sleep on it.
Sometimes it's better just to come back fresh the next day.

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