05 Mei 2013


Outbond training is a form of leadership and management of learning behavior in the open with a unique approach and a simple but effective because the training is not laden with theories but directly applied to the fundamental elements that are day to day, such as mutual trust, mutual attention as well as a proactive attitude  and communicative. Indonesia provides a rich natural source of learning that will never run be a real laboratory and exciting playground with a variety of methods.

Outbonds is a modeen learning methods that take advantage of natural advantages, The  participants were followed outbond faced with the challenge of not only intelligence, but also physically and mentally. And this will continue to be an exerience that trained equip themselves to face the challenges of a more real competition in the social life of the community.

Own outbond activities aimed to foster and create an athmosphere of mutual encouragement, support and motive group. In addition to developing skills or creativity appreciation and respect for differences within a group also contributes to foster the spirit of leadership, self-reilance, courage, self-confidence, responsibilty and empathy owned by every person. Translated through experiental learning that will give participants hands-on experience with simulation training game. Direct participants feel successful and failed in the performance of duties.

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