Dead Sea is one of unique place in the world. It reside in territory about Palestine, Israel and Jordan. It located at 417,5m below sea level which is the lowest position in the world's land. Dead Sea is a salt lake in the world. Called the Dead Sea because there are no living beings who live, this is because the sea has a high salt content, with 30 percent salinity, these level 8.6 times saltier than ocean and the ship should not sail on the surface. Dead Sea arose about 3 million years ago, which caused a rift valley of the Jordan where sea water entered and collected. Salt, lime and gypsum is present in all the cracks and forms a lake with the highest salt content. Dead Sea has a major inflow of the Jordan river.
In 1950 the Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan and Israel to stop the supply of water from the Jordan river to the Dead Sea because of the water supply is used for drinking water. This action resulted in a decrease of water level continued to drop reaching one meter per year.
Dead Sea became one of the people who want to visit, because of uniqueness, moreover the material contained in the Dead Sea is believed to provide a nice effect for beauty or soften skin, blood circulation and can help health. This can be done applying a dead sea mud to the body. In addition we also do not worry about drowning in the sea due to the nature of Dead Sea which makes anything above the surface can float, even we could relax on the surface of the Dead sea.