31 Maret 2013

Dead Sea

Dead Sea is one of unique place in the world. It reside in territory about Palestine, Israel and Jordan. It located at 417,5m below sea level which is the lowest position in the world's land. Dead Sea is a salt lake in the world. Called the Dead Sea because there are no living beings who live, this is because the sea has a high salt content, with 30 percent salinity, these level 8.6 times saltier than ocean and the ship should not sail on the surface. Dead Sea arose about 3 million years ago, which caused a rift valley of the Jordan where sea water entered and collected. Salt, lime and gypsum is present in all the cracks and forms a lake with the highest salt content. Dead Sea has a major inflow of the Jordan river.

In 1950 the Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan and Israel to stop the supply of water from the Jordan river to the Dead Sea because of the water supply is used for drinking water. This action resulted in a decrease of water level continued to drop reaching one meter per year.

Dead Sea became one of the people who want to visit, because of uniqueness, moreover the material contained in the Dead Sea is believed to provide a nice effect for beauty or soften skin, blood circulation and can help health. This can be done applying a dead sea mud to the body. In addition we also do not worry about drowning in the sea due to the nature of Dead Sea which makes anything above the surface can float, even we could relax on the surface of the Dead sea.

Cuisine of Kebumen

This time, I will tell you about the cuisine of the region I come from, that is Kebumen. Maybe the food is less well known in Indonesia, or even only a few are aware of these foods. In fact, these foods can be spelled with delicious food. Then read this article so that we can know cuisine of Kebumen. Here's an explanation of the typical food Kebumen:
1 Lanthing 
Lanthing of Kebumen a typical snack food made from cassava. Usually used as snack foods at a time when casual. 
2. Rice Penggel

Rice is commonly used in the celebration event, therefore rarely encountered penggel rice on city streets Kebumen. 
3. Sate Ambal

As with satay in general, Ambal satay made from main ingredients chicken. supplemented with peanut sauce. satay is usually served with rice cake boiled in rhombus. If the satay has not been given a peanut sauce the taste is sweet and if the satay have been given peanut sauce the taste is sweet, savory and spicy. The food is reasonably able to wiggle our tongues.
4. Jipang

This is a snack food made from main ingredients nuts. Ingredients to make Jipang are nuts, brown sugar, and vegetable oil. Formerly Jipang beans wrapped using banana leaves that have been dried, but now Jipang beans wrapped using plastic.

30 Maret 2013

Tips Divide Time in Learning

We often feel that we often lack the time or the time goes too fast. Especially if we're having a lot of tasks to be dealt with immediately. Most people do their jobs when the time is very short, but it is very not effective and makes the work we do does not fit provide maximum results. Therefore we need to know ways to share a good time in order not to be relaxed at the beginning of time and we will feel a rush in doing what we have to do in the end.the following are some tips that can be practiced in a split time for learning, such as:

1. For day to day planning (daily list)
write down briefly what tasks you need to do tomorrow. It is also easier for us to remind the things what we should do.

2. Make time to learn in the classroom is the best time to learn
Prepare material which will learn in the class before you enter the classroom, it is also necessary for us to read more easily grasp the material given. Listen to any explanation given carefully and write things that are important and worth remembering if only.

3.Use nap time as possible
this is done so that we do not stay up in learning or doing our chores, because staying up unfavorable effect on health. The biggest obstacle when studying during late at night is sleepy. So better we learn during the day.

5. Make a personal calender
Give a sign or symbol in your calender when there are activities to be done.

maybe my tips is enough. I hope this tips can useful for you.

Endangered Bali starling

Bali starling which has the Latin name Leucopsar rothschildi warbler is a kind of medium size, with a length of approximately 25cm. Bali starling has white fur all over his body except on the tail end and the wings are black. The cheeks unfeathered, bright blue and legs grayish. Males and females alike.

The starlings Bali adults have white wings with black strips, thin tail and blue around the eyes. Animal endemic to the island of Bali in Indonesia and previously found along the northwest of the island of Bali. Starlings native habitat in the monsoon forest and acacia Savannah.

Because appears is very beautiful, bird is much in demand by the lover. even the birds sold for pets that can displayed in front of the house. because that's where bali starlings  now a little, or virtually extinct. Bali starlings populations that exist in the wild may be only a dozen only.

Because of this, the bali starlings designated as a protected wildlife legislation set by the Minister of Agriculture Number 421/Kpts/Um/8/1970 dated august 26, 1970. Also be regulated in government Regulation No . 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Flora and Fauna of Bali starlings is prohibited animals traded except as captive of the third generation (parent not of nature)

Extinction due to bali starlings residence in the forest are cleared and land narrowing.
To avoid extinction bali starlings, the government made captive to the bali starlings, one of which in Buleleng, Bali since 1995.

29 Maret 2013

Soursop Leaves Are Rich In Benefits

This time, I will review the benefits of soursop leaves. Maybe along this time, many people do not know about the benefits of soursop leaves. In fact we examine more about the benefits of soursop leaves, we can use it for traditional medicine everyday. Besides natural medicine, soursop leaves also safe to eat, so it does not cause side effects that are harmful to the body . Instead of having to use chemical drugs.

Here are some benefits of sousop leaves, such as:
1. Treating Cancer
Soursop leaf contains very good for treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cell growth. As for some types of cancer that can be treated are claimed to breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer.
2. Soursop leaves can also be used as a cure gout. Many alternative medicine that uses soursop leaves for the treatment of gout.
3. Helps the immune system and prevent infection
The content contained in soursoup leaves is believed to boost the immune system and prevent infection in the body.
4. Treating back pain.
5. Treating eczema and rheumatics.
6. To treat ulcers.

When consumed regularly soursop leaves can provides many benefits, such as:

  • Helps nourish the heart
  • Helps to lower high blood sugar levels
  • Helps to lower high blood pressure
  • Able to inhibit the growth of bacteria
  • Help inhibit development of virus the body
  • Helps inhibit tumor growth
  • Helps inhibit parasite development
  • Helping to make relax auto-body muscle
  • Capable of being anti-seizure medication
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Being able to help to reduce fever
  • Being able to treat and suppress the inflammation in body 
  • Strengthens nerves
  • Helps dilate blood vessels in the body
  • Helpto kill worms parasit
  • Strengthen and aid digestion and increase appetite
Maybe this post can help you to solve the problem that's yours, which have the same as with the problem like these. Lets Try..!!

Little Thing That We Can Do To Reduce Global Warming

Now, our earth less friendly we often feel the heat, it caused the average of temperature of the earth increases. Our earth is undergoing the so-called global warming. Global warming caused of greenhouse effect, many carbon dioxide in the earth, lack of tree by produce many oxygen needed all mortal for life, and many forest fires in some countries, and this smoke can contaminate the air, just not in the country by forest fires, but also give impact to other country in the vicinity of this country.

This problem had been discussed by some countries in the world. They look for the solution for this problem, but can not handled properly.

We can help to decrease the global warming. this is several manner to reduce the global warming, such as:

1. Planting more trees around of place where we live.
With plants many trees,our earth can receive many oxygen. The tree can absorb many carbon dioxide by make the average temperature of our earth increases.

2. Decrease use transportation that are not environmentally friendly.
Or decrease use the transportation. We can go to the some place with walk. Besides it can decrease the global warming, it also can make our body health.

3. We can do 3R, that is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
For the example we avoid using plastic bag for shopping, we can use bag by can we using more than once. It can decrease utilization of the plastic. Because plastic can not broken down by bacteria.

4. Turn off the electronic appliances if we not use it.
It can reduce use for the energy. Should we turn off the electronic appliances and lights that are not use in the night.

Maybe is several manner which we can don to reduce global warming. Lets doing with the little things that we can.

28 Maret 2013

To be an entrepreneur, Why Not?

Many people want to be a  rich. To obtain established life and luxury many people try to be a rich. Many jobs can we do if we know the a want to be success person. We can work as an employee in public or private company, teacher, doctor, pilot, nurse, and there is also work to be an entrepreneur.

If we look with explicit, to be an entrepreneur can get profit more than work to be an employee or civil servants. Indeed, to a civil servant we can get warranties from the company, like crashes assurance work, retirement, etc, to be an entrepreneur more challenge. We can to be intrepid, such as brave to take the risk, more develop our creativity. If to be an entrepreneur, we can get many profit without know the age, but if we work to be an employee, we cant get more profit if we have retired. The conclusions, to be an entrepreneur is irrespective of age

Let's Read....!!

Now, information and knowledge amend very fast. So, we must following the newest information so that we not remainder the epoch. With having many knowledge and information about the world, we can do something with easily, because all of information we need, we having them. 

Many manner to know the information or knowledge in the world, one of thing is with read.
Read is easy method for us to know some knowledge. With read we can get the main or the contents of some knowledge. Almost of people in the world can read. Although with different language, we decide to learn about an information. So, we can with easily to know the information. Read is habit by must do by all of students to learn the material for study.

 We usually read the information from book, but now with technology advancement we can read the article from internet. The manner is very easy, we just write what we will read and than search it. After we get the some information by we need, we can read it. With this manner we not need many costs to buy some books. But, if we have the book it will give us more containment because be possessed the book.
In internet, for read a book, we can use e-book reader. It is very simple to do and more practically. We can read wherever and whenever.
Start now, didn't any motive not to read. Because with read, we can open the world window.

Let's Read....!!!

How to promote the products using brochures

You may have a great business, but you still do not know how you have to market your product. Here I present several reviews related to promoting products using brochures.
This method is highly attractive prospect if his explanation. Keep the hard work of course. Rhetoric paper we can use. What to do first is to make an interesting design. Customize with themes, colors and text which supports the promotion of your products. If the zoom is very simple, unique look that can highlighted able to attract the attention of consumers.

The words in the brochure should be attractive and as short as possible to be easy to understand and be understood by consumers. In addition, we should also avoid excessive words if not in accordance with the product. This will result in the consumer's mind about the fraud.

Finally, do promotion at the right target. You can distribute flayer's in places according to their market share. This is so the promotion is right on target.

Machu Picchu, One of the newcomers in the 7 Wonders of the world

Machu Picchu is one of the seven wonders of the world set in 2007. Machu Picchu also known as julukanya the lost inca city. One miracle was built around the year 1450. Located in the mountains and above the Urubamba Valley in Peru. Machu Picchu building style is very similar to the style of the ancient Inca buildings, such as polished stone walls. The main building is Intihuatana, the Temple of the Sun, and Three Window Room. These places are known as a sacred place. The site is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1983.

However, now the state of Machu Piicchu slight damage caused by the tourists who visit this place.

27 Maret 2013

Full Benefits of Soy Beans

Green beans are one of the types of nuts are very famous in the world. Green beans rich in vitamins, phosphorus, natural minerals and nutrients that are good for our bodies. Besides the good taste to be consumed, green beans also have many benefits. Below are a few examples of the benefits of the green beans, including:
1. Increasing intelligence in infants
2. Help bone growth
3. Preventing breast cancer
4. Keeping hair fertility
5. Maintain a healthy heart
6. Treat diabetes
7. Increased appetite
8. Maximizing the nerve
9. As a source of energy for our bodies
10. Helps to slow down premature aging
11. Preventing disease beriberi
12. For an upset stomach
Those are some of the benefits of green beans safe to eat for everyone, including people with diabetes. If you are experiencing problems such as those mentioned above, you can consume soy.

History Of Book

     We often use books, wherever and whenever. and almost every day we see the book. But do we know about the history of the book?

     The book was first created in Egypt in 2400-s BC after the Egyptians created papyrus. Papyrus is derived from the Greek. Papyrus is an ancient form of paper sheets made ​​from coarse fibrous water plant leaf weeds. The texts are shaped rolls for easy storage or archiving process. Over time, the scrolls proved cumbersome and ineffective in saving a number of writings. Finally came the idea to unite the sheets together in a way or in the volume of one side. This idea is also to streamline the paper area when the system is rolled only one side, then made the two sides each page. Books made of paper there were only after China succeeded in creating paper in 200's BC from raw material bamboo invented by Tsai Lun. Paper brought many changes to the world. As time, the book is designed as practical and as possible as needed.

     Until now we can enjoy a wide variety of books are easy to wear and can be a variety of designs.

What Happened To Our Poles

     Natural phenomenon lately often reported and one of public concern, namely the reduced surface ice at the poles. It is very alarming and can endanger the lives of living beings in the pole itself. In addition, the reduction in polar ice surface because many ice had melted. 

     This is a result of global warming. Lately the average temperature of the Earth increases. This temperature increase resulting from the impact of carbon emissions and greenhouse emissions.This situation can cause the amount of heat energy reflected a little more, and the most dangerous risk that rising sea levels, which will increase the longer and can drown all the land on earth. The most high-risk end of all the melting ice at the poles are all living things that exist in this earth will lose their habitat. Not only living creatures that exist at the poles just like a polar bear but all living creatures that occupy this earth.

     Therefore, from now on let us try to reduce damage to the environment so that our lives can be better protected and not threatened loss we live. We can save the earth by a simple way that we can, for example, by not building homes that use too much glass (glass house), use of environmentally friendly vehicles, plant trees, use of second-hand goods and others.

Let us save our earth….!

26 Maret 2013

Indonesian Kebaya

     Hi friends, this time I will introduce Indonesian culture, the kebaya outfit. Kebaya from flimsy material, is equipped with a sarong, batik or knitted garments. Kebaya derived from the Arabic, that is abaya which means clothing.

    Ancient times, kebaya only used by the royal family, which is usually used for official events. However, now everyone can enjoy the beauty of the kebaya with how to use it. Equipped with a gorgeous beaded shoes or commonly called "shoe manek".

    Until now kebaya is still growing, even on the scene international. Because the design is elegant and increasingly developed a great innovation, kebaya great demand by the people, especially women in Indonesia. Kebaya is suitable for formal occasions, such as attending weddings and so forth. Besides that, kebaya is unique, that's what makes us who wear kebaya feel more beautiful and gorgeous.

    Even kebaya like clothes made ​​mandatory for a bride who was nuptials. This is because the kebaya is considered the most elegant clothes that have so far. When we use kebaya, we can also combine them with neat hairstyle and beaded shoes. However, if it is too much trouble, we could use anything according to our comfort in dress.

Gudeg Yogyakarta

   Indonesia does have a lot of special food, like gudeg, food is one of the specialties in a town in Indonesia are quite popular in the world, Yogyakarta. As well as the tourist attraction, Yogyakarta is also famous for its distinctive eating this warm. When we visited the city of Yogyakarta, then we will find many food stalls or restaurant that provides a menu of warm white rice is used as a supplement or side dish. The sweet taste of the food that makes this food attracted many visitors, both domestic and abroad. The food is made ​​from young jackfruit main, this material is fairly easy to find in almost all regions of Indonesia. Gudeg cooked with coconut milk, assorted spices and herbs native Indonesia.

   In Indonesia there are 2 kinds of warm from young jackfruit, namely gudeg gudeg wet and dry. Gudeg denngan coconut milk served wet, dry gudeg cooked longer, so that the sauce becomes dry and brown.
Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk (areh), chicken, eggs, tofu and sambal goreng krecek.

25 Maret 2013

Yellow Rice

    Yellow rice is one of the typical Indonesian food which is very famous. Usually yellow rice served for special occasions such as the celebration of the success of an individual or a birthday party. The main ingredient of yellow rice is rice, water, coconut milk, turmeric and some spices. because it taste more savory yellow rice than white rice in general.   
    Yellow rice is usually served with a variety of accompanying side dishes, such as fried egg slices, dried tempe, cucumber, and a variety of other vegetables that can be served according to our tastes. In the tradition of Bali rice yellow brass is often used for ceremonies. Yellow rice cone shapes such as mountains, the mountain represents a significant gold wealth, prosperity and morality. 
    How to make it pretty easy to just soak the rice with a mixture of water and turmeric for 30 minutes, then boiled coconut milk that has been given to taste salt to a boil, then turn off the heat, and enter the steamed rice. Stir until the coconut milk is absorbed and steam over medium heat for 30 minutes. After cooked rice ready to serve.

24 Maret 2013

Benefits of Water

Benefits of water

Water is the usual thing that is often consumed by humans, but many are not aware of the benefits of water. Though water has many benefits that are very good for health. Here are the benefits of water:

1. Increase Energy
Many people substitute energy drink on the market, but actually to consume enough water to replace the lost energy in our body and also water safer for consumption, with no preservatives or artificial sweeteners are harmful to our bodies.

2. Maintain a healthy weight
If a person consumes enough water with it will it will help pengauran appetite and metabolism function at its optimal level so maintaining healthy weight.

3. Healthy Bones
Water is very necessary for the manufacture of bone cells in the new bone and continue to keep the bone in order to stay healthy, so we need to consume enough water.

4. Healthy Skin
Water can make our skin becomes more fresh and moist.

5. Removing toxins
Water can help to remove toxins that settle in the organs such as the intestines and kidneys. Toxins will be excreted through urine. By drinking lots of water, then the performance of our organs would be better.

6. Improve brain function
According to the study, the rate of dehydration of one percent of body weight was able to reduce the functions of thinking. The brain does much need oxygen in order to function at optimum levels. By drinking lots of water, be sure that the brain has terpenihi needs. Instead drink 8-10 cups of water a day can improve the cognitive performance of 30%.

7. Maintain digestive function
Consume water in large amounts can help the digestive system to work effectively. So that the digestive system nutrients our body is also getting better.

8. Protecting the Heart
People who used to drink water more than five cups a day, the chances of dying from a heart attack fell 41% compared to those who drank less than two glasses of water a day.
In addition, the habit of minimal amounts of water at least five glasses a day will also reduce the risk of cancer. The body is not hydrated may reduce the risk of colon cancer by 50%, and may also reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Tips to Maintain A Healthy Body

Lots of tips to maintain a healthy body, such as:

1. Get plenty of rest
With adequate rest will rest the organs and physical labor. With iostirahat, the cells in the body has time to memperbaiaki themselves and damaged cells. Therefore, it is necessary that sufficient or appropriate iistirahat denngan proportion of time for sleep.

2. Sport
Research shows that exercise is more effective in preventing and treating depression than drugs. While we are busy with our activities, but we have made ​​time to exercise, even just a little exercise.

3. Attention to cleanliness of food that will be consumed
Hygiene in the food must be maintained. Make sure the food will be consumed washed first. Besides eating must also be proportionate. Jngan up too much because it can cause obesity.

4. Meet the needs of fiber
High-fiber foods that the body needs in terms of ease digestion. High consumption of fiber can we find in fruits. It also should consume foods that contain lots of vitamin C and vitamin D, as vitamin C can improve our immune system, and vitamin D beneficial to stimulate a useful immune cells warding off viruses / bacteria.

5. Always think positive
The relationship of body and mind are inseparable. Relationship is when we do how to maintain stamina and healthy body also it will have a positive effect on the mind as well. Positive energy in our bodies will also provide health care power of its own. It can also avoid stress.

Tips For Effective Study

Tips For Effective Study

1. Create an atmosphere that is conductive
     This method is one way of learning is good, because after all if you want the material you learned it was really get into your head, you should be calm and in a state which is convention. So it does not interfere with concentration. Learning outdoors is probably a pretty good choice, because in additional to more fresh, we can also more calm and not tires in learning.

2. See first outline
    If you read the new teaching materials, do not immediately throw themselves into it. You can further enhance understanding when glimpsed the outline. Look at all the subheads, captions and summaries available. Jik read a long passage, then read the first sentence of each of paragraphs first.

3. Make a note of the essence of learning materials
    By making a small note, it will help to remember the lesson. At the time of writing you must read the material instead? It will make you quickly memorize the material. Should note that in the little book so practical to carry anywhere, and we can read it at any time.

4. Practice techniques ability to remember
   To make it easier you should remember that you will memorize the material is converted into an abbreviation or keywords (mnemonics) with a formulation that is easy to be remembered. As MeJiKuHiBiNiU for abbreviations of rainbow colors, ie Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Purple. Although you if memorizing directly in 1 week've forgotten, using mnemonics like these you can recall up to tens of years.

5. Learn diligently and regularly.
    The best way to learn is to study diligently and regularly
Serious learning time and also very influential in improving learning achievement, if you rarely learn or just to learn if there will be a repeat of his performance certainly not going up. So learn diligently and regularly while there is time to learn. Also do not learn in a hurry on the last day before the tests, how to learn such good results are also not going up.

23 Maret 2013

Being a businessman, but no capital?

Being a successful businessman is a dream for every person, in addition to the job that can provide more benefit to us than being a civil servant, the business also has its challenges are always changing pikirann us for better future. To bring hope you become a businessman does not need to have huge financial capital, but we can start our business with the following:
1. Confidence
Confidence is a huge capital to be owned by a businessman that he is confident in his ability and not   discouraged.

2. Dare to take risks
A businessman must take the possibility of risk. Because it can be used as motivation to strive to be better.

3. Having creativity
Owned Creativity is needed in the development of a business or enterprise. Because that will differentiate our business with other competitors.

4. strong-willed
We must constantly motivate ourselves to keep a strong will of doing business. Since this will foster a spirit for businesses to conduct business.

There are several steps that you must prepare to become an businessman, namely:

  • prepare mentally
  • have a strong will to succeed
  • always develop ideas and creativity
  • have a willingness to learn
  • build communication and networking or networking
  • have capital

Tips For Laptop Is Not Slow

Here are some tips that you can use in order to not slow laptop:
1. Reduce Program Working On Startup
Applications that work on Windows StartUp time will be run automatically when your PC or laptop is turned on. That means the computer requires additional time to open these programs in the background. Though not all of these applications are used, this led to a PC are Laptop at Startup very slow.
2. Discard data that is not needed
the data sorted in your PC or Laptop require hard disk space, preferably all data according to taste just delete key. Because the data that meets the hard drive can make the performance of your PC or Laptop be slow. Do not forget to take the data that are in the recycle bin.
3. Check for Viruses on your PC or Laptop
Better to use anti-virus that always update. Moreover, if the laptop is used for the internet.
4. Remove Unnecessary Programs
Consider programs that are not important or that never use installed on your PC or Laptop delete the program because the program will take resource, both on disk and RAM

22 Maret 2013

Kyuhyun's Profile

This is Kyuhyun profile:

Birth Name       : Cho Kyuhyun
Birthday            : 2 March 1988
Siblings             : 1 older sister (Cho Ara)
Position             : Main Vocal
School              : Kyunghee University (Major: Post-modern Music)
                          Origin Republic of Korea
Genre(s)           : K-pop, Mandopop, R&B
Occupation (s) : Singer, dancer
Instrument (s)   : Singing, piano
Height              : 180 cm 
Religion            : Christian
Blood Type      : A
Nickname         : Choding, Maknae (youngest) On Top, Micky's #1 Fan, Lord Kyu, Porn Kyu, Fit-In Kyu, Chic Kyu, Alien, Jesus Kyu, Dorm Kyu, Sexy Kyu, Baby Kyu, Shy Kyu, ELF Kyu, Terror Kyu, Rotten Smile Kyu, Guiness Drama Kyu, etc (it's rumored that has 900 nicknames)
Idea Girl : Pretty, preferably Christian; Kim Taehee
Cyworld blog      :