Golden gates is one of the bridge in San Francisco. This place now popular with place to suicide. Maybe this is cause many people in this Country have a stress, so they choose ends their live with suicide in this bridge.
On average, a person jumps to his or her death from it every two weeks, more than 1500 to date. And they are the ones who are known about. Others are thought to have taken the final leap only to be washed out into the ocean, their bodies never to be found, or recovered so far from the bridge that they can not be consider jumping and then think better of it. It is rare for a week to pass without an incident of some kind, a "10-31" in police parlance.
Amazingly one in 50 jumpers survives the four second plunge, equivalent to 25 storeys, some crippled for life but a few only slightly injured.
There is a kind of allure to the bridge. There is a notoriety to be gained from jumping from the Golden Gates. For a brief period people receive an attention in death that may have been denied to them in life
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